Deliver 24/7 care to each family.
Caregiving businesses can expand service and revenue opportunities with the advanced telehomecare console.
People Power Family Care Console provides advanced client insights for caregiving businesses interested in offering new, intelligent remote care services.
People Power announces the Family Care Console, an intuitive web-based information center that provides caregiving businesses and caregivers essential insights about client, patient, and resident wellness. A companion service to People Power’s Family product, the console provides a comprehensive display of real-time insights extracted from the Family Pack to help caregiving businesses focus resources on client wellness with the ability to monitor multiple locations simultaneously. The Family Care Console helps businesses understand the health and activities of their clients remotely, enabling better care services for more clients with simple 24/7 remote monitoring.
The system tracks trends and monitors important issues in the home including falls, medication adherence, wandering, sleep quality and social isolation. The Family Care Console integrates with the People Power Family app for iOS and Android. The console is used by an agency administrator, nurse, clinician, or remote care coordinator, and the mobile app is available for use by the client’s family. In addition to incorporating modern medical alert buttons, along with the Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch, the system facilitates a virtual fall safety net in the home by learning lifestyle patterns and alerting key individuals when those patterns break unexpectedly, even without the use of wearable devices. Family members, care providers, and the emergency call center can receive an alert if someone were to fall and couldn’t reach their medical alert button.
Family Care Console Benefits
Prioritize daily caregiving workflows:
Identify clients who need the most attention each day.
Fill critical blind spots in caregiving:
Understand client activities and behaviors remotely, especially when caregivers can't be there.
Capture pipeline of new clients:
Offer new care services not requiring in-home caregivers.
Grow business through efficiencies:
Service more clients without requiring additional staff.
Get alerted to life-threatening issues:
Provide immediate client assistance when needed.
Review historic client wellness trends:
Be notified when a client’s activity patterns change.
Justify service recommendations:
Obtain evidence that validates additional client services.
Differentiate services:
Keep families connected and happy and deliver 24/7 peace-of-mind.
Connected to the Family Pack – a remote senior care solution that combines low-cost, in-home sensors with an intelligent cloud and mobile app – the new Family Care Console analyzes activity patterns of a client, patient, or resident to help determine important trends, including:
Movement and Mobility Scores:
Track daily occupant movement in the home and see trends in activity.
Sleep Trends and Sleep Scores:
Track sleep metrics and sleep quality scores each night.
Bathroom Trends:
Track number of bathroom visits or toilet flushes that may indicate UTI or dehydration.
Medicine Adherence:
Track daily access to meds to determine if client is self-administering as prescribed.
Movement Duration:
Track daily occupant movement duration in the home and running average.
Rooms Visited:
Track number of room-to-room transitions per day in the home and running average.
Bedtime Tracking:
Track the time occupants went to bed at night and bedtime running average.
Client Hygiene:
Track instances of baths or showers to determine if client is unable to bathe regularly.
Time at Home vs. Away:
Track number of hours per day at home versus away and running average.
The Family Care Console, together with the People Power Family Pack, makes it easy for caregiving businesses and caregivers to provide 24/7 peace of mind for their clients, and their families.